December 2018 First Phase:

JLPT Test Takers・Encouragement Program!

Thank you for your participation in our  campaign「Point Rewards for JLPT Test-Takers December 2 2018」

Participants:46 people

Thank you very much for your participation!

We have sent emails and award JP Smart Points to all 46 JP Smart Club members who had uploaded a valid Admission ticket and correct ID documents.

Compared to July, the number of participants had doubled!

We are very sorry to say that any applicants with discrepancies between their Admission Ticket and ID photo or those who did not upload these documents at all are not qualified for this campaign. We hope that you will try your luck next time and take this challenge again. 

In addition, we will give an additional 3000 reward points for those who passed the test after the result announcement on February 2019.

You will need to upload photos of your admission ticket as well as your ID documents.

Please wait until the JLPT result announcement until this event start!

We wish you all the best of luck!

JSmart ClubLiving in Japan Smartly

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