Application Form

• Regarding Campaign Special Prices Conditions • The campaign prices will be applied to new customers who apply for JP SMART CALL and JP SMART DATA from 2023/9/29.

Starting from Feburary 26th (Wed), 2025, SIM card pickup at Narita airport will no longer be available.
For arrivals at Narita T2, please transfer to T1 to pick up your package. For details, see here.
※For customers who have a valid RESIDENCE CARD with a current address in Japan. ※For customers who have a PASSPORT or a valid RESIDENCE CARD
※For customers who have a PASSPORT only ※For customers who have a PASSPORT
Please see the following example and input your email. Email: Must be the same as E-mail Type a password to login your account The inputted password does not match with the above. Please input the same passpword as the above. This field is required.

Register a new account

Your account for My Page is the email address you registered for the application.

We will be sending important notices so please make sure that your email address is correct.

Please register for an email address if you don't have one.

Please save the password as it will be required for you to login.

※In order to use our services at DXHUB, you are required to apply for our JP Smart Internet Membership
Clicking the register button means that you agree with the Handling of Personal Information Terms and the JP Smart Club Membership Agreement.